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Top Age 11 regardless of Country, Residence, or Federation July 2015

1Yip, Carissa Shiwen (14514636)11MAUSA2257
2Shen, Christopher Yu-Shuo (14432243)11OHUSA2178
3Jacobson, Brandon (14160065)11NJUSA2153
4Ge, Anthony (14501996)11CAUSA2151
5Stearman, Josiah Paul (14006506)11CAUSA2137
6Huang, Andy (14633373)11VAUSA2103
7Wang, Wesley (14256600)11NYUSA2094
8Costello, Alexander John (14702870)11CAUSA2090
9Gu, Brian Fanyuan (14100620)11TXUSA2084
10Erdene, Baasansuren (15473161)11MGL2081
11Levkov, Daniel (14218690)11NYUSA2079
12Nakada, Akira Wood (14452418)11NYUSA2063
13Nguyen, Tan D (14261918)11VAUSA2061
14Vivekananthan, Anish (14709825)11TXUSA2053
15Wu, Brandon (14933988)11MAUSA2040
16Perkins, Joaquin K (13732183)11CAUSA2035
17Wang, Alex (14839996)11PAUSA2033
18Baradaran, Arman (14466706)11CAUSA2019
19Feng, Justin (14398842)11CAUSA2000
=19Pan, David (14699111)11CAUSA2000
21Baker, Vincent Jingwei (14304661)11OHUSA1999
22Samadashvili, Martha (14920851)11NYUSA1993
23Liu, Mingyang (15202578)11RIUSA1992
24Idnani, Taran Ritesh (14220903)11NJUSA1985
25Wang, Ricky (14403974)11ILUSA1983
26Heesters, Pieter S (14258612)11MDUSA1968
27Kumar, Nikhil (14982402)11FLUSA1960
28Ganthapodi, Maanav S (14060533)11NJUSA1954
29Chang, Eliam Huai-Yang (15357487)11CAUSA1948
30Krishnan, Ajay (14375346)11CAUSA1933
31Daniels, Jason Scott (14107163)11ILUSA1917
32Zhu, Neo (14546895)11NCUSA1916
=32Ho, Stephen R (14688037)11CAUSA1916
34Altman, Joshua Abraham (15053674)11MDENG1910
35Wang, Andrew (14159754)11VAUSA1908
36Hawthorn, Charles (14435718)11TXUSA1898
37Yu, Alex (14581805)11MAUSA1891
38Zhao, Maxwell M (14336741)11MAUSA1890
39Idnani, Roshan Ritesh (14220898)11NJUSA1884
40Wong, Anthony G (14647991)11NYUSA1883
41Deshpande, Aaryan (14245381)11WAUSA1877
42Feng, Maxwell (14542508)11GAUSA1869
43Oskiper, Constantine (14338863)11NJUSA1867
44Suryawanshi, Rohan (14257960)11CTUSA1863
45Lee, James (14450083)11NYUSA1861
46Chin, Jonathan (14687040)11NJUSA1860
47Yan, Austin K (14470133)11TXUSA1857
48Grabinsky, Joshua (14729181)11ORUSA1856
49Prabu, Advaith (14378111)11ILUSA1842
50Prasad, Arvind Sai (14933423)11OHUSA1840
51Zhang, Franklin X (14674200)11TNUSA1829
52Brodsky, Erik (14445962)11NYUSA1827
53Dommalapati, Aasa (13778456)11VAUSA1819
54Heller, Garrett (14523782)11VAUSA1817
55Balderas, Adolfo Augusto, Jr (14480460)11TXUSA1808
=55Chen, Eric Tianxiong (14508811)11CAUSA1808
57Dill, James Christopher (14061034)11NCUSA1806
=57Garai, Antara (14673337)11CAUSA1806
59Carey, Aidan M (14949435)11ILUSA1796
60Joo, Ethan (14076394)11NYUSA1793
61Xu, Chang (14673370)11AZUSA1791
62Liang, Justin Sun (14602165)11MIUSA1783
63Izumi, Haruki (14357548)11NYJPN1782
64Zhang, Jason Shuhe (14450350)11CAUSA1774
65Chen, Alex (14659230)11NCUSA1771
66Shur, Sandra (14817520)11MAUSA1770
67Chandra, Dhruv (14298948)11TNUSA1761
68Qiu, Allen (14470181)11CAUSA1757
69Lee, Gordon S Arai (14256924)11KSUSA1754
=69Perelman, Daniel Andrew (14973750)11WIUSA1754
71Yan, Benjamin (15047644)11NCUSA1743
72Zhao, Chenyi (14468305)11CAUSA1738
73Chan, Eric (14468855)11NYUSA1736
74Miller, Mason David (14421196)11AZUSA1735
75Maclure, Evan (14647958)11MAUSA1734
76Wang, Victor J (14049105)11FLUSA1732
77Sheer, Grey Denton (14429406)11NYUSA1730
78Chen, Andrew (14355777)11NYUSA1728
=78Davis, Geoffrey Cyril (14879788)11VAUSA1728
80Zhou, Iris Yi-Xian (14467261)11MOUSA1727
81Oskiper, Andreas (14338878)11NJUSA1723
=81Kung, Thomas (14583075)11TXUSA1723
83Niu, Baron T (14701436)11TXUSA1721
=83Acharya, Siddharth (15165476)11ILUSA1721
85Yang, Richard (14363082)11WAUSA1717
=85Martinez, Jonathan Charles (14701133)11AZUSA1717
87Kogan, Theo George (14218710)11NYUSA1714
=87Raj, Akshay (14473002)11GAUSA1714
89Vichik, Adam (14750614)11CAUSA1712
90Gong, Brian Hope (14663750)11ILUSA1711
91Gaisinsky, Adam (14977444)11ONCAN1707
92Tan, Ralph (15223857)11OHUSA1705
93Li, Kyle (14612224)11CAUSA1703
94Yuan, Fredrich (14765430)11ILUSA1697
95Keuchel, Destynn (14304860)11OHUSA1696
96Halley, Atticus Grant (14502805)11GAUSA1694
97Lencz, Harris (14409837)11NYUSA1693
=97Peng, Peter (14604658)11TXUSA1693
99Mayes, Timothy David (14769757)11FLUSA1687
100Low, Ethan (15300522)11BCCAN1686
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
